
As I was beginning to write this article I was looking many newspaper headlines from the days following the attack.  The information was different from paper to paper.  Unlike today as we huddle around our TV’s waiting to see images and get minute to minute updates on a situation, they had to solely rely on the information over the radio, letting their imaginations run wild with the images.  I think about how the families with loved ones stationed there must have felt after hearing the news.

Listen to this real radio broadcast from December 7, 1941:

“December, 7 1941, A Date which will live in Infamy… No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the american people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.”      -President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Take time today to remember all of the lives lost on this devastating day in American History.



Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?'” The MLK Day of Service is a part of United We Serve, the President’s national call to service initiative. It calls for Americans from all walks of life to work together to provide solutions to our most pressing national problems. Each year, Americans across the country answer that question by coming together on the King Holiday to serve their neighbors and communities.

So what are your plans for MLK Day? We here at Hatcher Orthodontics encourage you to join the hundreds of thousands of people who serve on MLK Day and throughout the year. Find a volunteer opportunity near you by visiting the VOLUNTEER Hampton Roads website.

“Experience the Difference” at Hatcher Orthodontics! Dr. Hatcher opened the doors of our Western Branch location sixteen years ago and we are now in our second successful year with our new Great Bridge location on Cedar Road.  Both locations provide expert care and have state-of-the-art equipment.  Before founding Hatcher Orthodontics, Dr. Hatcher taught biology and chemistry at Great Bridge High School from 1986 to 1990. During that time, he also coached football, basketball and tennis.  He decided a career change was in order and decided to become an orthodontist.  So it was back to school at the Medical College of Virginia where he earned his doctorate and then on to Detroit Mercy for his orthodontic certificate.  He has always enjoyed working with children and making a difference in people’s lives so he continues to coach soccer and educate students by giving presentations to middle school students on topics such as teamwork, hygiene, and self-esteem.

Hatcher Orthodontics is truly a family practice.  With the exception of a few new faces, most of our employees have been working together for close to 10 years, or more.  Our Hatcher family takes pride in each stunning smile that we create.  Behind every smile is a relationship between us, our patients, and their families.

Here at Hatcher Orthodontics we treat older adults, pre-teens, and everyone in between, in fact we recommend that young children are seen for the first time around the age of seven.  In many circumstances, there is no need for treatment at that time but in other cases early intervention can be extremely helpful and much more cost effective.  And of course, our initial consultations are always complementary!  If treatment is indicated, we explain your individualized treatment plan and answer any questions you may have.  The most important thing we do is to build the confidence and earn the trust of every patient.  We welcome you to join our family at Hatcher Orthodontics and “Experience the Difference”.


The Clear Alternative to Braces!

Invisalign Teen

Have you ever asked yourself if you are happy with your smile? A beautiful smile makes a huge difference in your personal, as well as your professional life. It’s never too late to make an investment in your smile.

If you thought your only option to perfect your smile was braces, you may be excited to learn about Invisalign. Invisalign uses a different approach to straightening teeth. It uses a series of clear aligners created just for you, as designed by Dr. Hatcher. These aligners are made of smooth and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth. You are able to remove your aligners and enjoy all of the foods you normally would eat. Every two weeks, you start a new set of aligners. As your treatment progresses, your teeth will gradually shift into place.

Invisalign also provides a treatment option for teens. Invisalign Teen provides a convenient treatment option for young patients busy with athletics, school and other extracurricular activities. As an added bonus, Invisalign Teen offers three sets of aligners at no additional cost to you! These aligners are typically used for lost or broken aligners or if the doctor needs to make any final adjustments prior to the completion of your child’s treatment.

Dr. Hatcher has been a Premier Provider for Invisalign. Come in to see us at Hatcher Orthodontics for your complementary consultation and find out if Invisalign is a treatment option for you! We look forward to meeting you!

Smile ~ It Does The Body Good


All we have to do for a happier, more positive world is SMILE.

Smiling is one of the easiest things to do and it’s good for us!   Sharing smiles with others always seems to make us feel good!  Ever wondered why?

When we smile we produce more serotonin which makes us happier and more positive.  Who knew that something so simple could have such a big impact.

“Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu, when someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.” ~Karen McLendon-Laumann


(By Jennipher Walters, Health and Fitness Writer)

1. Smiling can make you happy (even when your not)
The simple act 0f smiling sends a message to your brain that you’re happy.
2. Smiling makes others happy~ It’s hard not to smile when others smile at you; smiles are contagious.
3. Smiling can help you de-stress.
Next time you are feeling stressed, just smile.  The smile signals your brain that your happy and your body will usually slow its breathing and heart rate.
4. Smiling makes you more attractive.
5. Smiling helps you land a job.
Remember, wear a nice suit and accessorize it with a smile!
6. Smiling can lead to laughter
Numerous studies have shown the health benefits of laughing.
~Smile and laugh often!
7. Smiling just feels good!

Check out this video, its bound to leave you with a smile!!

~Let us always meet each other with a smile~